360 Management Liability

by 360 Underwriting Solutions Pty Ltd

  • Line of Business
  • Locations Served
    All States
  • Documents available
  • Contract required
  • Target Class
    • for claims made against the company, as well as claims made against directors and officers
    • pre-investigation and investigation costs
    • broad corporate liability cover, including defence costs and tax audit costs
    • employment practices liability, extending to allegations made in respect of discrimination
    • crime cover for employees and third parties
    • statutory liability cover, including defence and investigation costs, and enforcement expenses
  • Product Documents
    Policy wording 360 Management Liability
    Webpage 360 Management Liability
  • Coverage
    • Abuse Liability
    • Business Interruption
    • Cyber
    • Damages and Fines
    • Discrimination and Harassment

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