Cyber Enterprise Solution

by Emergence Insurance Pty Ltd

  • Line of Business
    Finance and Insurance
    Information Technology
    Professional Services
    Property and Real Estate
    Wholesale Trade
  • Excess
  • Locations Served
    All States
  • Documents available
    A S P
  • Contract required
  • Target Class
    • financial institutions
    • retail and hospitality
    • construction and engineering
    • manufacturing (with strong bcp)
    • property owners and developers
    • wholesale (distribution outsourced)
    • agribusiness
    • mining (excluding thermal coal and risks with autonomous vehicles)
    • professional services
    • healthcare
    • education
    • technology firms (up to $1bn revenue)
    • government owned corporations
    • local governments
    • hotels
    • aged care facilities
    • airlines
    • adult content
    • critical infrastructure / power gen
    • federal and state governments
    • hospitals
    • logistics & freight-forwarding
    • exchanges platforms
    • petrochemical
    • telecommunications and isps
    • payment processors
    • mass transit
    • military defence
  • Product Documents
    Application form Cyber Enterprise Solution , Cyber Enterprise Solution - Biometric Supplemental Form
    Supplemental form Cyber Enterprise Solution - Appetite Guide
    Policy wording Cyber Enterprise Solution
    Webpage Cyber Enterprise Solution
  • Coverage
    • Business Interruption
    • Cyber
    • Financial Loss
    • Legal Expenses
    • Media Liability
  • Exclusions
    • any damages caused by cyber theft except cyber event response costs incurred solely and directly by cyber theft

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