• Line of Business
    Power Generation and Natural Resources
    Specialty Services
    Waste Management and Remediation Services
    Wholesale Trade
  • Min Premium
    AUD 750/year
  • Max Coverage
    AUD 40M
  • Locations Served
    All States
  • Documents available
  • Contract required
  • Target Class
    • any risk with a contractual liability, incidental PI or USA exports exposure
    • building and construction
    • commercial cleaners
    • scaffolding
    • importers / manufacturers
    • security industry
    • services to mining / oil / gas
    • trades
    • waste / treatment industry
    • wet / dry hire
  • Product Documents
    Policy wording GLUE lite
    Webpage GLUE lite
  • Coverage
    • Commercial General Liability
    • Employers Liability
    • Product Liability
    • Professional Liability
    • Public Liability
    • Umbrella / Excess
  • Exclusions
    • adverse claims history
    • asbestos
    • critical / safety parts (marine / auto / aviation)
    • hydrofracking (fracking)
    • pharmaceuticals
    • pubs / clubs
    • sport / leisure / entertainment
    • tyre industry
    • vehicle / boat / bike retailing

Complete and up to date listings are our highest priority. We have a dedicated research team working full time on keeping our listings accurate and up to date but sometimes changes happen that we haven’t spotted yet. See something out of date? Please let us know here.