Group Personal Accident and Illness

by Zurich Financial Services Australia Ltd

  • Line of Business
    Finance and Insurance
    Public Administration
  • Locations Served
    All States
  • Documents available
    S P
  • Contract required
  • Target Class
    • businesses
    • partnerships
    • joint ventures
    • charities
    • educational institutions
    • corporations
    • organizations
    • government bodies
    • trusts
  • Product Documents
    Supplemental form Group Personal Accident and Illness - Target Market Determination
    Policy wording Group Personal Accident and Illness
    Webpage Group Personal Accident and Illness
  • Coverage
    • Bodily Injury
  • Exclusions
    • any pre-existing medical condition
    • any stress related or psychiatric related condition
    • death or injury caused by HIV / AIDS related complications
    • engagement in active service in any armed force for any nation
    • flying in an aircraft or aerial device other than as a passenger in a licensed aircraft
    • participating in or training for any professional sport
    • suicide

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