Labour Force Liability

by SURA Labour Hire

  • Line of Business
    Power Generation and Natural Resources
    Professional Services
  • Max Coverage
    AUD 20M
  • Locations Served
    All States
  • Documents available
    A P
  • Contract required
  • Target Class
    • recruitment firms (both blue and white collar jobs)
    • labour hires (both blue and white collar jobs)
    • mining professionals
    • construction professionals
    • factory workers
    • farmers
    • hospitality professionals
    • engineers
    • drivers
    • welders
  • Product Documents
    Application form Labour Force Liability
    Policy wording Labour Force Liability
    Webpage Labour Force Liability
  • Coverage
    • Directors and Officers Liability
    • Employers Liability
    • Employment Practices Liability
    • Product Liability
    • Professional Liability
    • Public Liability

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