Professional Indemnity - Accountants

by DUAL Australia Pty Ltd

  • Line of Business
    Finance and Insurance
    Professional Services
  • Locations Served
    All States
  • Documents available
    F P
  • Contract required
  • Target Class
    • accounts preparation
    • advice and training on accounting software
    • audit work (non-publicly listed companies)
    • bookkeeping
    • business and management consultancy work
    • personal taxation
    • superannuation fund accountancy
  • Product Documents
    Fact sheet Professional Indemnity - Accountants (Addendum)
    Policy wording Professional Indemnity - Accountants
    Webpage Professional Indemnity for Accountants
  • Coverage
    • Cyber
    • Professional Liability
  • Exclusions
    • amounts paid or restitution
    • any deliberate or intentional act or omission
    • associates
    • bankruptcy and insolvency
    • bodily injury
    • directors and officers
    • disclosure of commissions / conflict of interest
    • employer's liability
    • financial conduct, advice and performance
    • fraud
    • intellectual property
    • investment performance

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