Public and Products Liability

by SURA Liability

  • Line of Business
    Arts and Entertainment
    Power Generation and Natural Resources
    Professional Services
    Retail Trade
    Specialty Services
    Waste Management and Remediation Services
  • Max Coverage
    AUD 20M
  • Locations Served
    All States
  • Documents available
    A F P
  • Contract required
  • Target Class
    • amusement parks
    • builders of commercial premises and/or dwellings
    • brothels
    • demolition involving implosion
    • frequency loss accounts
    • slip and fall accounts (e.g., shopping centers, supermarkets)
    • hotels
    • hospitals
    • labour hire (referred to sura labour hire pty ltd)
    • mining operators
    • nursing homes/aged care
    • project managers
    • risks involving children (except playground manufacturing, installation, repair)
    • risks easily placed through online quotation systems
    • security guards (including bouncers, crowd control)
    • sporting risks
    • trampoline centers
    • tips and/or landfill sites
  • Product Documents
    Application form Public and Products Liability
    Fact sheet Public and Products Liability
    Policy wording Public and Products Liability
    Webpage Public and Products Liability
  • Coverage
    • Commercial General Liability
    • Personal Liability
    • Product Liability
    • Property Damage
    • Public Liability
  • Exclusions
    • advertising liability
    • aircraft products
    • asbestos
    • contractual liabilities
    • cyber liability
    • defamation
    • employment practices liabilities
    • exports to the USA / Canada
    • high hazard operations, occupancies and products
    • loss of use, depreciation, wear and tear, rust and corrosion
    • pollution
    • product defect
    • product recall
    • professional liability
    • radioactive goods
    • taxes, fines, penalties
    • territorial limits
    • war
    • watercraft more than 3m long and powered by a motor
    • welding and hot work activities
    • workmanship, infestation and dilapidation

Complete and up to date listings are our highest priority. We have a dedicated research team working full time on keeping our listings accurate and up to date but sometimes changes happen that we haven’t spotted yet. See something out of date? Please let us know here.