Natural Resources and Construction

by Allianz Commercial

  • Line of Business
    Power Generation and Natural Resources
  • Max Coverage
    CA$ 350M
  • Locations Served
    All Provinces
  • Documents available
  • Contract required
  • Target Class
    • natural resources (downstream oil and gas, refineries, petrochemical plants, gas works, chemical fertilizer plants)
    • midstream (oil and gas pipelines, storage terminals)
    • power generation and utilities (conventional and renewable power plants, utility companies)
    • mining (open pit mining, ore extraction, primary processing)
    • construction (building and infrastructure projects, power and utilities, heavy civil projects)
    • oil and gas (separation units, refineries, pipelines, liquefied natural gas plants)
  • Product Documents
    Fact sheet Natural Resources and Construction
    Webpage Natural Resources and Construction
  • Coverage
    • Bodily Injury
    • Builders Risk

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